I Love My Dewey Does Coloring Workbook campaign

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Engagements and feedback are encouraged with the I Love My Dewey Does sports video show
Free with purchase of the ‘I Love My Dewey Does’ Plush Doll from the Dewey Does Novelty Tee Shop
Only available at the Dewey Does Novelty Tee Shop

“Highly recommended reading – Dewey Does’ voice is authentic & easily understood.
-Rebecca Brown, Editor
“These books are perfect for third ad fourth graders…Dewey Does is a winner!”
-Jennifer LB Leese
“Excellent! I loved these books and I’m looking forward to reading more about Dewey Does’ adventures.” -BookReview.com
“First Day will prove to be a popular addition and will leave young readers looking eagerly toward the next Dewe Does adventure!”
-Midwest Book Review
“IN THE GROOVE tells how kids feel from the standpoint of the kid and because it does the book is sure to be a kid pleaser.” -Molly Martin – Scribes World
“Dewey Does is a role model for all children and any child will love to read what’s on his mind.”
-By Lisa – Book Review Cafe
Exclusive marketing and Promotional Opportunities
Reading offers wonderful benefits to children. It builds their confidence and self-esteem, encourages leadership, improves emotional intelligence, helps them sleep soundly, inspires them, and above all, it makes them happy.
When we introduce them early on to true-to-life motivational stories involving sports, healthy eating habits, and having an active lifestyle, we give them strong awareness which in turn would help them become even more responsible about their health.
With obesity and poor nutritional habits at an all-time high in this country, a new effort is needed to address the national epidemic. Young children need to learn how eating healthy and exercising through engaging in sports activities can lead to improved quality of life all throughout.
Getting the message across through a recognizable character will help the children to easily connect with and relate to the story.
What does Dewey Does do? He helps animate millions of kids. He is an ordinary kid, but with a passion for sports. He knows the value of fair play and hard work. Dewey Does always gives his 110% at anything he endeavors.
Through the Dewey Does book storytelling program, we can send awareness across even louder and reach as many families and kids as possible. This unique and truly inspiring campaign will be perfect for young readers who are in grades 3 to 5 and expand your corporate messaging efforts.

Read About ALL of Dewey Adventures 1 in 4 children in America grow up without learning how to read. Books that inspire your child to read and lead HEROES START AS KIDS! Encourages reading and leadership.
Look for Dewey Does’ newest adventure ‘a MONSTER ate my Sneakers’ coming in 2019. You must sign up at DeweyDoes.com for updates, promotions and promotional gifts. Be the first to see previews and NEW animation shorts. Also, don’t forget to follow ‘Sports Makes Me Feel Happy’ Vlog at deweydoes.com and/or Dewey Does’ Vlog on YouTube.
Hit a home run…Buy the Dewey Does Book Bundle today and help the Dewey Does Foundation fight childhood obesity, by promoting youth sports, health and fitness since 2006. Books that encourage a child to read and makes a great Christmas gift for life.

Did you know? Dewey Does on health and fitness

What does Dewey Does do? Tee Shirt Giveaway with Tommy Ommy, host of 'Straight from the Basement``
- A new winner every week while supplies last
- Must be a subscriber to Tommy Ommy, ‘Straight from the Basement’ sports podcast
- Winners will be announced weekly in comments and notified via email. Please give correct email address.
- Winners must reply within 3 days of announcement to receive their ‘What does Dewey Does do?’ Tee Shirt
- Winners are posted on #Dew110 Wall of 110% Achievers displaying their tee shirt. Be a winner. View more & subscribe today!
CLICK HERE to enter into the Tee Shirt Giveaway
Listen to Tommy Ommy “Straight from the Basement” Podcast
What Our Readers Are Saying Now if we did not convince you, maybe a few words from our customers will!

Tommy Ommy, Host 'Straight from the Basement'
“What’s up to my friend, Dewey Does and his fans? This is Tommy Ommy, host of ‘Straight from the Basement’ sports podcast. Follow me where you can expect authentic, highly informative and entertaining takes on all thing’s sports. Sports is what keeps this world from going insane either in a pandemic or no pandemic.”

Joe Nastus Rotary International
“ “Great New Brunswick Rotary Club
I think this is going to benefit Rotary for a long time. Great book Thomas.

Geoff Dietzel Secretary
“The Rotary Club of Greater New Brunswick LOVE IT! Awesome.

Steve Ferrara President
“”The Greater New Brunswick Rotary, 2022-23 Outstanding effort Thomas; very special thing you have done here.
Gabriel L. Silva Actor
“I am excited to collaborate with Dewey Does and the Foundation. Bullying is an important issue that needs to be addressed and together we need to find a solution. I think that Dewey Does is an amazing way to reach kids and help encourage kindness. Together, we can stop this epidemic.”